Gregor Schneider
Born in 1969 in Rheydt, Germany, where he lives and works today. He began making art at the age of 12, and seeking to seal off from external space-time a place where past memories linger, he built a wall of insulation and lead to create a new space inside a room of his family home based on the idea that “both time and accumulate like sediment as one moves from the past to the future.” He represented Germany at the 49th Venice Biennale in 2001, and won the Golden Lion for Death House u r. Since then he has held numerous solo shows including at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (US) and the K21 Museum, MMK, the Hamburger Kunsthalle, and the Bundeskunsthalle (all in Germany). He presented his first large-scale installation in Japan at the Yokohama Triennale in 2014. This year his work appears in two international art exhibitions in Japan, the Setouchi Triennale 2019 (autumn session, Ogijima Island) and TRANS- (Kobe).