Henk Visch
Cosmic dance #1 : the dream of the sea is a ship
2018, bronze, ship (wood, paper, thread ), H 90 cm, edition of 2 + 1 AP
The cleANeR, MoRE efficieNT STOVES have iMPRoved the health of woman BuT HAVE ALSO REDused The risk of being sexually assaulted wHeN-eveR SHE ENTERS THE FOREST to CoLLect WooD
2018, colour pencil on paper, 21 × 13.1 cm(sheet); 31 × 23.5 cm(frame)
HiSToRy speaks to The PRESENT
2018, colour pencil on paper, 21 × 13.3 cm(sheet); 31 × 23.5 cm(frame), private collection
All of this belongs to me
2004, color pencil on paper, 29.7 × 21 cm; 52.6 × 41 × 2.3 cm(frame), private collection
'O la' u upu 'ia' ita (Your words to me)
2001, polystyrene, cloth, pencil, brushes, ballpoints, 200 × 75 × 55 cm